Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Artists Chapter 2

Vincent Van Gough

Vincent Van Gough was born in Holland in 1853 to a Dutch Protestant Minister. He spent his childhood being a theological student and doing other things but not until he was twenty seven did he begin to take a liking and interest to the arts. Van Gough then moved to Paris, where his brother lived, to pursue all the new wave of art inspiration. Van Gough though relatively mentally unstable could still produce magnificent pieces of art. Like this Wheat Field and Cypress Trees painting done in 1889. This is one of my favorites of his, he recreates the scenery so vivid and real, its amazing.

After two years in Paris Van Gough decided to leave to the city of Arles to work with a fellow Artist by the name of Paul Gauguin. They worked closely for a while but then they started quarreling often then on one of the times Van Gough had Gauguin's ear cut off then to be mailed to a prostitute. He was now realizing the severity of his unstableness so he checked himself into an asylum. Through the years he was there he received much support from his brother and art connoisseur, Paul Gachet, who Van Gough painted for.
But tragically and despite all the encouragement he shot himself in 1890.

Claude Monet

Claude Monet is a group of artists know as Impressionists. These types of painters usually started off very unsuccessful, for many years. Making very little money off their paintings and living in poverty just because of what they liked to do.
This painting is also one I am very fond of. The location of the house next to the water is very peaceful and to see the sailboats pass by in your ocean view. Yeah this work is defiantly one to treasured.

Monet's' work was really something of great talent and great inspiration because the beauty of art work is obviously showing that. By the time he was 86 and dying museums had been posting his art up and he was a well know painter in the art world.

Andrea del Verrocchio

Andrea Verrocchio was a 15th century Italian artist. One of his most famous works is the Statue of the biblical hero David.
 This statue was commissioned by a wealthy family of Florentine called the Medici family. Verrocchio was an early renaissance artists, long before Monet or Van Gough that created artists for clients of his instead of creating what he wanted to. He desired all his works be displayed not in some shrine but in small private places, civic buildings, and churches. He started out with all this genius when apprenticing for a workshop of a master. In exchange for his labor he got a room to stay and sometimes a small salary. Eventually as he got older and more talented he was able to work with the master and help him do his business. As time went on Verrocchio trained many young apprentices and a very special one named Leonardo da Vinci.